Saturday, April 23, 2011

Good Friday, Resurrection Sunday & Sad Saturday?

I've always wondered what the disciples did on the day between Jesus' crucifixion and his resurrection. I would like to believe they were still preaching the gospel, healing the sick and telling people about the resurrection of Jesus that was to come.

The scriptures don't really tell us what happened but I suspect that's because they did nothing. They probably sat around, cried and wondered what they would do now. Maybe some were consoling Mary. Maybe some were burying Judas. We don't really know what they did.

We do know that the next day our Savior was resurrected. We know Jesus showed the whole world (again) that he has all power and dominion, even over death! We know the next day must have been the most amazing day of their lives.

Here's what I know. I know there have been times in my life where I sat around, cried and wondered what I would do. I know I have had moments where I had to bury things I thought were legit and good but turned out to be self serving. I know I've had times where I wasn't sure of God's plan.

There is, however, good news! God's plan is not dependant on, controlled by or based on our faith, hope or our will. Some people will say if you don't have faith for something God won't move in it. I say its not about the size of your faith in God but about the size of God in your faith. 

The fact of the matter is that God has a perfect plan and purpose for you. It doesn't matter if you doubt or worry because God doesn't doubt or worry. He can do what he wants when he wants and thank goodness he wants to use you in an amazingly powerful way.

In times of worry, in times of concern and in times of doubt we must all remember this truth. The one who died for us didn't stop there. He came back. He is risen. Glory and honor be his forever amen.