Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Born this way?

There is a lot of discussion today about homosexuals being born gay. What does the bible say about that? Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:26-27 and 1 Corinthians 6:9 speak clearly that engaging in homosexual acts is a sin. The question at hand though isn't whether it's a sin or not, it's "Are people born gay?".
To say that it's "not natural" is a reason people can not be born this way is false. Blindness is not natural and yet people are born blind. I think to fully comprehend how God sees it we have to stand back and see what sin is to Him. Sin is an action. Sin is not a feeling, attraction or emotion, but an action(James 1:15). The bible never says "do not be attracted to your neighbors wife" it says "do not covet". A man being attracted to another man is no more a sin than said man being attracted to a woman. It's about the action. I fully understand how completely radical that statement is but it's wholly logical from a biblical perspective.
With that being said I think it's pretty clear, from a biblical world view, you can not be born gay. This would mean you are born in a homosexual act. That's not logical in any world view. That is if we are to understand that homosexuality is an act not an emotion.
Some people might argue that it IS the emotion and attraction. I can understand that theory, however, if we are being completely consistent that would mean an adult who has ever been attracted to someone younger than 18 is by that definition a pedophile. That changes things quite dramatically doesn't it? Especially for all those women who watched the Twilight movies and were attracted to the actors...
So where do we go from here? THAT is the question whose answer has REAL substance.
How did Jesus treat the woman at the well? How did he treat the tax collector? How does he treat us? It's really easy to see the "big sin" in other people's lives, but what about those "struggles" in ours? Once we've accepted Christ do we all the sudden stop sinning? Do we "go and sin no more"? We should, but do we? I think the answer to "where do we go from here?" starts with us collectively as The church putting our stones down. In other words stop pointing our fingers at people and screaming "SINNER" cause if we look at our hand there's 3 fingers pointed right back at us.
So, are they "born this way? No, but it shouldn't matter. If we want to be "Christ like", and I mean as radical as Jesus, then we have to not let what we know about people affect the way we treat them. Jesus doesn't and we shouldn't.

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