Saturday, October 29, 2011

Trick or Transgression: Should Christians celebrate Halloween?

            Halloween is a very sensitive subject for Christians. Some feel it to be a day celebrating evil and/or satan. Others believe it to be a day of silliness and pretend. Although I happen to be in the latter group I can definitely see the other side's point of view. I want something to be perfectly clear before I go any further. Worship of satan, demons and/or evil is wrong and no Christian should ever partake in such activities.
            Clearly if you research the history of October 31st you’ll find a history of evil and pagan activity, but what does Halloween mean today? Are there some people who worship satan on this day? Absolutely. Lets not kid ourselves though and believe this to be specific to one day. Satanism and paganism are a part of modern day as they were in Jesus’ day. If you want a crystal clear biblical understanding on this issue I suggest you read 1Corinthians 10:14-31.
            I’ve heard people say Halloween “Is the Devil’s day” or a “Pagan day that belongs to darkness and evil.” Well I couldn’t disagree more with those thoughts. First, I am a little offended for anyone to say that a day my King signs his name to is a day of evil/darkness or the devil’s day. My God is the creator of all things, days and nights. God is always in control and every day is His. Second, have people used October 31st as a day to worship evil or do horrendous things? Yes. How is that different from any other day?
            I think the problem is that in some Christian’s minds October 31 is a day designated as a day of evil just like December 25 is designated as a day of giving (in remembrance of the precious gift given to man). You might be shocked to know this, but December 25 was once a pagan holiday celebrating the birth of a pagan god. The early church decided they would not let any false god overshadow their God. So, the early church started to celebrate the birth of Jesus on this day as a rival. Almost to say my God is greater AND He is. Maybe it's time we start letting it be known that in the midst of all the costumes, ghouls, and goblins OUR God is greater.
            So is it okay to celebrate Halloween? I’ll answer that question with a question. What Christian do you know that “celebrates” Halloween? Of course we shouldn’t “celebrate” Halloween. That’s just silly. I think one of the problems is that people confuse the words celebrate and participate. We should absolutely participate and expose the grace and love of God to a world that has not heard or is imprudent. As a Christian I participate so that when asked “Aren’t you a Christian? Why do you celebrate Halloween?” I can give an answer for the hope that I have, 1 Peter 3:15. In my opinion Halloween is silly and pretend. My God is very real and can use anyone and anything to reach a people in need of a savior.
            This is a day when people come knocking on your door. We can and should use this as an opportunity to let the light of God shine through us even if it’s for a moment OR we can turn our lights off. What if there is an unbeliever who wants to trust in God but a Christian’s life seems so boring. If they knock on your door and full of joy you give them a kitkat and say “God bless you have a great night,” it might plant the seed God was waiting for. Is that a pretty far fetched scenario? Well, what’s your story? I met someone who was a Christian, the coolest Christian I ever met, and it changed my view of God’s people. Here I am 6 years later loving the Lord and fighting for His cause.
            We have a huge opportunity to take a “holiday” meant for evil and use it for the glory of God. If you believe Halloween is a day full of evil, then make a change. Be the light in a dark night. Instead of being a house whose lights are off, let's be a house whose light truly shines. 

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